Monday, March 26, 2007

Who gives a sh......?

Yo, putz
It's Monday morning, I ain't hungover and I'm already pissed.
Who told sports talk geeks that the first thing they have to discuss on Monday mornings is what their families did over the weekend? Hey, moron, I don't care what your pampered-ass wife did with your pampered-ass kids unless it's something really kinky and weird, and then you're NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT ANYWAY! Goood, God almighty, it's called sports talk radio because you're supposed to be talking about sports. Give me Imus any day.
Hey, a local meat market has fresh ox tails on sale. What say we get a couple pounds of those bad boys and kabob 'em? Ox tails and beer, can't be that bad.
Incredible to watch John Thompson The Original (all those numbers cornfuse me) and Patrick Ewing The Elder work their voodoo against the Shit Heels Sunday. Now Country Boy Roy Williams know how Custer felt. The Shit Heels just got waylaid in OT. I almost cried when that kid pumped in the three with seven seconds left. I'D NEVER SEEN A TEAM GET SHUT OUT IN OT BEFORE! Don't forget, Hoya paranoia will destroya.
Hey, putz, I was really sorry to see that the Yankees had to put Cheng Ming Wang on the DL and now, they're going to throw Carl (Could You Show Me The Way To The Mound) Pavano on opening day. It's tough to go one-and-done in a 162-game season, but I can see the cornerman picking up the white towel now! Must suck to be a Yank-Mes fan.
Results of Anna Nicole's autopsy come out today. I'm betting on terminal stupidity.

1 comment:

Don and Sher said...

I don't know if Anna died of anything serious, but I do understand her death was fatal.